Thursday, October 6, 2016

Friday, September 23, 2016

Weekend Fun - Geekinomicon OKC 2016

Weekend Fun - Geekinomicon OKC 2016 

     I had the opportunity to attend Geekinomicon at the Cox Convention Center. I decided to put together this short video to share a little bit of my experience with you. Enjoy! 

~Thomas Hunt Jr.

Follow me on: 
TikTok: @ThomasHuntJr
YouTube: @ThomasHuntjr
Instagram: @ThomasHuntJr
Twitter: @ThomasHuntJr

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Short blurb on Mobile Photo editing and a Sample of mobile work.

Lately, society has shown a trend of using their mobile devices as their main source of computing and internet.  I love my desktop computer and the power that is behind it, but recently I have also been leaning heavier on using my Android device to do more.

I am an artist and a photographer and like many people, I am always on the go.  Quite often it isn't convenient for me to access my Canon DSLR or my desktop computer.  over the past couple of years I have been taking a lot more photos with my cell phone than I do with my DSLR camera.  I have also began adapting to more mobile means of editing these photos as well.  I use an Android device and I use the Samsung's Galaxy Note series.

The first app that I consider a "must have" for editing on the go is Snapseed.  The app was originally created by Nik Software. Nik was known for making amazing and powerful Photoshop plugins. Snapseed is currently owned by Google.  I feel it holds many of the best photoshop features with the incredibly user friendliness of your favorite iOS apps. It is a true competitor in the mobile photo editing market. Best of all, it's free! When I begin editing any photo on my phone, the first app I open is Snapseed. Most commonly I use it for touch ups and minor color adjustments, but if that isn't your thing they also offer filters, borders and many other internet favorites features.

There is no special order or apps to be used for photo creations and digital art.  The options are endless and depend on which creative direction you are taking. With that in mind, this short little blurb could quickly turn into a 10 page nightmare.  Therefore I will reserve my reviews for other digital manipulation apps for future posts.

If you enjoyed this or any of my other posts, feel free to follow me. If you have something you want to say or want to see more just let me know down in the comments section below.


~Thomas Hunt Jr.

Follow me on: 
TikTok: @ThomasHuntJr
YouTube: @ThomasHuntjr
Instagram: @ThomasHuntJr
Twitter: @ThomasHuntJr

Thursday, April 14, 2016

First Throwback Thursday

I have seen a lot of people post an old pictures or content on Thursdays and call it "Throwback Thursday."  I usually do not participate in this, until now.  I recently came across a picture of myself in my early teen years and thought, this would be neat to post.  Naturally, the best way to post such an image would be as a "Throwback  Thursday" item.  I uploaded the image to Instagram.  Instagram is where I post most of my images. You can find me on Instagram under the Username ThomasHuntJr or just go to this address,

I do not know how often I will do this, but stay tuned and you might be surprised.

~Thomas Hunt Jr.

Follow me on: 
TikTok: @ThomasHuntJr
YouTube: @ThomasHuntjr
Instagram: @ThomasHuntJr
Twitter: @ThomasHuntJr

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Saint Patrick's Day 2016

I am well aware I am not in Ireland and have no cultural reasons to celebrate this holiday, but I'm American and won't turn down a reason to go out, drink and celebrate something.  Especially something that brings such wild festivities as this holiday.(at least as its celebrated in the U.S.)

This year I went to, what Oklahoma City calls, a block party.  This event was located in Bricktown, near downtown Oklahoma City for those of you don't know.  They sectioned off a fairly large parking lot and filled it with a stage, beer vendors and a variety of food trucks.  Of course several of these vendors provided green beer(their cheapest beer drowned in green food coloring).  I didn't catch the name of the band that was playing on stage, but they played pretty good background music.  I choked down 1 glass of the green swill they called beer.

 Surprisingly I enjoyed the food I ordered from the food truck. The name of the food Truck was PhillMeUp Cheesesteaks and you can find them on Twitter at @PhillMeUpOKC  As their name suggests, they make Philly Cheesesteaks.  The first thing that makes their cheesesteaks unique is they use Cheese Whiz.  That's right, cheese whiz, the spray cheese out of a can.  I was quite hesitant to order something that used spray can cheese, but I am will try almost anything at least once.  The cheese happened to mesh beautifully with the perfectly caramelized onions and the quality of that beautiful ribeye meat was magnificent.  This was undoubtedly the highlight of my day.  And although a little pricey, this sandwich tasted awesome and was quite filling.

The rest of the sights were as one would imagine, the area cluttered with stumbling idiots decked out in kilts and various green apparel and accessories. Of course, I was not going to leave the area without taking at least one photo of my adventure..

~Thomas Hunt Jr.

Follow me on: 
TikTok: @ThomasHuntJr
YouTube: @ThomasHuntjr
Instagram: @ThomasHuntJr
Twitter: @ThomasHuntJr

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

A Few Photos from Florida

This post is exactly what the title says.  Recently I spent a couple days in St. Augustine, Florida and here are a couple images from the trip.

~Thomas Hunt Jr.

Follow me on: 
TikTok: @ThomasHuntJr
YouTube: @ThomasHuntjr
Instagram: @ThomasHuntJr
Twitter: @ThomasHuntJr

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Day of Beaches 2014

Oddly enough this video was put together as part of Google Photos.  It is from a day that I decided to to visit beaches from San Diego to Malibu. I had meant to edit the footage and release it sooner in a multi video series.  I never got around to it. This really seemed like a good way to release it.

~Thank you

~Thomas Hunt Jr.

Follow me on: 
TikTok: @ThomasHuntJr
YouTube: @ThomasHuntjr
Instagram: @ThomasHuntJr
Twitter: @ThomasHuntJr

Thursday, January 14, 2016

The Lotto: Skeptical and Curious

Today, we had the drawing for the 1.5 billion dollar Powerball.  The Powerball website, as I'm typing this, states there are 3 announced winners so far, in 3 different states.  One of these locations is Chino, CA.  This area happens to be around where YouTube Entertainer Rich Ferguson lives.  
Here Rich Ferguson posts a video on his YouTube channel stating he is the California winner of the Powerball.  This video leaves me both skeptical and curious.
Naturally, I'm skeptical.  He is a magician and a mentalist.  I have been subscribed to his YouTube channel long enough to know he enjoys messing with people. He also loves social experiments.  I've read comments on his Facebook page calling it all a fake.  That sounds negative.  My skepticism is not negative, it actually leads to curiosity.  If it is one of his tricks, I am insanely curious and eager to see what he is up to.  If it is real and legit, then I am still quite curious.  Rich Ferguson has proven be amazing at what he does and very generous and charitable.  Winning the Powerball would give this man a super budget to do bigger and more amazing stunts.  I am unable fathom what he would do with this much money as far as charity goes.

     Either way, I will eagerly await more videos and hope for the best.

~Thomas Hunt Jr.

Follow me on: 
TikTok: @ThomasHuntJr
YouTube: @ThomasHuntjr
Instagram: @ThomasHuntJr
Twitter: @ThomasHuntJr

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

And Then?

Well, my website has been down for the last year. This was all due to an error with GoDaddy, that lead to my site being deleted from their servers.  A lot has changed in the past year and kept me busy enough not to get my website back up and running.  I have moved to Oklahoma City. It was quite a big move and left things rocky for a bit. I have now found stability.  I have been at my new job for over a year and have a roof over my head. I have a place for my computer and a solid interent connection. So, I took the time to do yet another redesign of my website.  It is nothing flashy.  I kept it a simple and straight forward photo gallery of my work as a photographer.  My latest personal work was an Oklahoma Bedlam theme, for the Holidays.  The work is, as I'm typing this, on the front page of my website  For those that stumble across this blog, I encourage you to visit the page and let me know what you think.  It is time for me to head off to my job. Until, next time.... Take it easy.

~Thomas Hunt Jr.

Follow me on: 
TikTok: @ThomasHuntJr
YouTube: @ThomasHuntjr
Instagram: @ThomasHuntJr
Twitter: @ThomasHuntJr