Well this is my second blog entry. I have officially purchased webhosting for thomashuntjr.com. I no longer have to store files on googlepages or on my 4amstudios.com site. It keeps things generally organized and a little cleaned up. Well the past week of my life has been a little offbeat from my usual weekly routine. I did not have to work for most the week. My chiropractor recommended I take some time off, so I utilized my mass storage of sick leave at OSU. I applied for a new job, hopefully I will hear back on it soon. If I get the job I will obtain some work experience dealing with a little bit more of what I am going to school for. I'm still not 100% sure what Im going to school for, but I have a general idea. When I applied for the job, I actually turned in my resume with the application. This is a first for me, I am hoping it will improve my chances. Either way wish me luck. On the brighter side I received my financial aid check today. I am temporarily rich, and I will enjoy for the brief moment that it lasts. Hopefully, I will be able to buy a video camera and a nice printer before it runs out. I believe that is all I have to say for now. It is pretty late here, so I am going to try to go to bed so that I may get my "beauty sleep."
~Thomas Hunt Jr.
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"Sometimes the only thing that changes is the date!"